Saturday, October 16, 2010

Court Days in Mount Sterling Kentucky

Court Days, Mt. Sterling Kentucky.. home of a Nestle's Hot Pockets plant and for one weekend, a huge flea market, sudo craft fair, lots of eats, lots of people, and lots of walking. Here is a link to the background of Court Days.
Well, frankly.. its not something I plan on doing again, its not the "Court Days" of yesteryear, even yesteryears of 20+ years ago when I first went. My first experience I think was in about 1987, it had much more a real flea market, crafts, local flavor atmosphere. Now, it was endless booths of much of the same things. I hadn't been to Court Days in probably 10 years, and that was because it was endless T-shirts, sweatshirts.. and not much of useful items, well now, it was mostly useless items.. I mean how many bungee cords does a person need?? How many bras does a woman need?? I'm a woman, I know these things... You can only buy so many socks and stocking caps.. all looking alike from booth to booth.
Oh but food tho.. its smelled wonderful. And yes, it was good, tho I forgot to go back for my apple dumpling, I had some kind of greek chicken thing for lunch, well they said it was chicken.. it was good!! There was a booth that was selling apple dumplings and I thought that would be a great dessert.. I totally forgot.. guess the fried oreo's and fried twinkies distracted me.. no I just couldn't do that to my delicate tummy, it would have gotten revenge, oh but I was tempted...
Well, if you're interested in fireams... here goes... yes.. all out in full view, and ready to buy. Frankly, I felt kind of safe going down this aisle. And there were alot of women looking too.

This team of mules so patient, and so huge!!!

And a team of ponies came past me, they and the mules were doing wagon rides around Mt. Sterling.
I took some time and just walked around the downtown part of Mt. Sterling.. a very old city, early 1800's it was settled. The buildings are so charming.

After all this, did a find any bargains.. yes, but not at Court Days downtown, but a little boot store outside of the downtown hubbub.. I had been hoping to someday find a good deal on Ariat Riding boots, and I did!!! Love my Ariats!! So, Court Days wasn't total bust. I did get to see some fall colors, this is peak weekend now....

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