Saturday, October 9, 2010

I'd Rather Be Riding...

Barn repairs.. not a favorite chore... but a chore nontheless. Over the last couple of years, we've been slowly, and I do mean slowly...redoing the bases for the 8x8 oak support beams for the barn. Even tho they were pressure treated, some still rotted, right at the base where they meet the ground, they were all set in concrete, but the concrete actually should have come up above the ground to prevent the rot, at least that is what we learned with oak.. So.. we've been digging up the ground around the base to the original concrete, framing it up, and pouring new concrete.

We also had to tear out one section of wall for one stall to repair the inside portion.. not fun, and not easy. Luckily whenever we do any project around the house, we always order extra lumber, or two or three or four... so we have enough lumber here to replace what got ripped out...Scout is not happy his stall is off limits until we're done. Luckily the weather is really nice, he can stay outdoors, which he and Cheyenne do anyway; and since its the Youth Deer Hunting weekend.. we aren't riding.

I think we have about 4 more posts to do and we're done. Some beams, like this one, were actually not too bad, it was rotted some, not bad tho, but we had a couple that were so rotted, we had to use alot of concrete to add support.

My husbands' horse Scout is healing up finally after a nasty infection from a puncture wound of some type, I have no idea how it happened or where, there is a small hole on the side of his head, I know it doesn't look like anything to get worried about but it was what it had done inside that mattered, under the jaw was where the infection came out, that's where the big hole is.. lets just say I never want to smell anything like that again!! He's doing fine now. Luckily we'd had his tetnus booster last month.

I got a chance to get out and snap some photos.. our fall colors are just getting started, I think next weekend is the weekend for peak..

And I leave this last photo of the absolute laziest cat.. Shelby.. she was totally unimpressed by all our hard work..

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