Thursday, September 10, 2009

Say goodbye to summer, hello holidays??!!!

My favorite season, Fall...I have been anxiously waiting for the arrival of Fall, tho its not Fall by the calendar, its Fall by my standards, a very noticeable change in the amount of daylight hours, and even a different feel about being outdoors; plus the Poplar trees are giving up their leaves, they seem to be one of first to call it quits for the summer season. The horses are starting to shed their summer coats and as I was driving down into town the other day, and the trees all kind of had this "time to start changing" attitude, like they've had enough. The lotus plant in our pond is a sure indication of changing daylight, the leaves start shriveling as soon as the daylight hours noticeably change. The black locust are dropping their leaves too.
Its been a wet year, not record amounts, but wet.

The photo above is a Christmas bowl I am working on, the bowl is hand thrown on the pottery wheel. I still need to do a bit of details on it, I'm getting more satisfied with its "Christmasy" look. Yet, I can't believe that its getting to be 'that time' again... getting ideas for Christmas.

This one above too, obviously another Christmas bowl, its been a nice diversion working on these. They still need their glazes.
I have been working on horses, I've really slowed my process down, breaking old habits of 'hurry up and finish it already'.. it never seems to pay off.

And another firing for this one and the pottery bowl for a color fire, the porcelain drafter has been fired about 4 times so far... I am trying to use these guys as my guinea pigs so to speak for doing more handwork and blending before I move onto the really really good pieces.... plus I need the space...

And here are a couple of Barrister Bonanza's (aka Barry) that are waiting to be cleaned. I have others in various stages of cleanliness. There is a finished Barry in the blog title box.

I just had to click this photo of the last few blooms on my clemitis vine, it really was prolific this year with blooms.

And I cut off the bloom ends of my lotus, I had seen these things for years in dried flower arangements and never knew what the blooms were until we added the lotus plant to our pond.

And like mentioned above... I need the space....

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