Monday, August 10, 2009

When Pots Explode.. part two...

Well, not all exploding pieces are a total loss, some can be salvaged. Like this one...

It did blow out a small section on the outside, again an airbubble apparently that I didn't feel. You can feel them sometimes when pulling up the clay on the wheel, and they can be easily fixed, this one got past me. But not a loss, and the dremel saved the day.. or saved the pot, however you want to look at it. Actually as I was (not) merrily dremeling along, it did give me ideas of some other ways to do bowls. And I do plan on making a holding strap to loop around the back and thru the hole to be able to hang it on a hook. It is usable, obviously not for liquid, but useable nonetheless.

I don't recommend dremeling on bisque, at all, its messy, dusty, and kind of tricky, since the blade can just 'catch' and then its hard to control, so if I do anymore altering, it will be on greenware. But I was not about to just toss this piece since I felt it still wanted to be of some use, and it is a nice size bowl, and the fluted edges seemed to really agree with it.

And this one I am still working on, it blew out its bottom. (Don't you just hate it when that happens!). But I spent alot of time putting on that texture, and there is also a lid that goes on it. So, I'll find I way to salvage it.

And actually this red clay fires wonderful with Amaco's Opalescent Glaze.

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